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Executive Producer $5,000 & Up
James & Marilyn Parke............. Seneca, SC
Producer $1,000-4,999
Terry, Sandy, Todd & Brittany
Archambeault ...................................Glasgow
Thomas & Jan Marie Breigenzer....Mukilteo, WA
Nick Dirkes ........................................Glasgow
Greg & Colleen Forrester ....................Glasgow
Gilbertson Farms.................................Flaxville
Glen & Stephanie Meier.......................Glasgow
Harry & Linda Miller ...........................Glasgow
The John & Marilyn Olson Trust...............Sidney
-- In Honor of Paul Olszewski
Cast Member $600 – 799
Doug & Linda Allie ............................. Glasgow
Campbell Lodge ................................. Glasgow
Fred & Jeannie Compton/Western Drug.Glasgow
Darrell & Josie Dahlberg......................Brockton
Deanna Dahlberg................................Brockton
Marv & Barb Johnson .........................Fort Peck
Dwight Larson .................................Wolf Point
Larry & Sue McLeod ...........................Fort Peck
Dale & Brenda Tarum..........................Richland
Choreographer $400 – 599
Shirley Baumgartner & Edwin Mogan.....Glasgow
Dr. Gordan & Amy Bell .......................Fort Peck
Everett & Elizabeth Breigenzer ............ Glasgow
Mark & Karen Breigenzer.....................Glasgow
Richard & Bonnie Cotton......................Glasgow
Carl Dix & Zach McKay.....................Tucson, AZ
Willie & Cheri Doll....................................Malta
Cherie Edwards ...................................Chinook
Joe & Patt Etchart ...............................Glasgow
Mary & John Fahlgren..........................Glasgow
Jerry & Audrey Feda ...........................Glasgow
Jennifer Fewer ...................................Glasgow
Virginia Fink .....................................Wolf Point
Jeff & Carlene Hayward ......................Glasgow
Dr. Gale Jellum ...................................Chinook
Craig & Pam Lee ................................Glasgow
Ben & Barb Math ...............................Fort Peck
Charles Molvig & Coni Dowd-Molvig ....O'Neil, NE
Lynette Nelson & Family ......................Richland
Josh & Sarah Partridge ........................Glasgow
Mary L. Pattison ..................................Glasgow
Louis & Bernadine Sather ....................Glasgow
Southland Farms ..................................Flaxville
Lyle & Nina Walstad .............................Opheim
Galen & Karla Zerbe ...........................Glasgow
Stage Manager $200 – 399
Edward & Jolene Amestoy .......................Malta
Ron & Vernette Barone ..........................Sidney
Katherine M. Bidegaray ..........................Sidney
Gordon & Margaret Bradley ....................Sidney
Marc & Karen Breigenzer ....................Glasgow
Rob & Connie Brunelle.........................Glasgow
Marilyn Buechler .................................Glasgow
Steve & Diane Carney ............................Scobey
Dr. Gregory & Deborah Cavanaugh .........Sidney
Tom Clarke .......................................Miles City
In Memory of Linda Coates .................Miles City
Gloria & Dewey Doucette ...................Fort Peck
Marv, Kathy, Kallie & Andrew Eberlin.Plentywood
Gene & Elaine Etchart .........................Glasgow
2015 Patrons
Mark & Pat Fauth ...............................Opheim
Richard & Darlene Fulton ...................Richland
Don & Bonnie Gay/Riverside Brickyard
......................................................Fort Peck
Terry & Deanna Gilmore .......................Zurich
Maury Graham .................................Glasgow
Ellen Gunderson ..............................Fort Peck
Fred & Gayle Hammond .........................Saco
Joan R. Helland ................................Glasgow
Dennis & Mary Honrud ......................Glasgow
Infinity Angus Ranch; Edwin Miner &
Dr. Monica Haaland...........................Peerless
Andi & Jeff Johnson ..........................Glasgow
Gary & Marilyn Johnson ..................Wolf Point
Roger & Louise Johnston .....................Billings
Carl & Eileen Karge ........................Wolf Point
Gail & John Langen ..................Las Vegas, NV
Bob & Marilyn Mann ......................Plentywood
Markle's, Inc. ...................................Glasgow
Gary & Judi Martin ............................Glasgow
Jim & Dana McColly...........................Hinsdale
Hon. John C. & Teresa McKeon ..............Malta
Leslie Micheletto...............................Fort Peck
Matt & Lynn Miller .............................Glasgow
Rick & Nancy Mitchell........................Miles City
Herbert & Mary Jean Mohn .........Gresham, OR
Matt & Angie Page ............................Glasgow
Steve & Michele Page ........................Glasgow
Carlo & Vonnie Porteen ....................St. Marie
Dora Radakovich ..............................Glasgow
Charles & Shelly Romo .....................Glasgow
Kitty Lou Rusher ...............................Glasgow
Jon & Nancy Rutt .................................Laurel
Ted & Brenda Schye ........................Fort Peck
Dennis & Kathy Stromme ..................Zahl, ND
Scott & Janie Sukut ..........................Bozeman
Marc & Deb Swanson ........................Glasgow
Charles & Moni Tow .........................Glasgow
Mitchell Willett & Sheri Turner ..........Fort Peck
Nick & Nancy Vaira ...........................Glasgow
Melvin & Betty Vegge ........................Glasgow
Dean & Annette Vegge ......................Glasgow
Rick & Lori Viste ...............................Glasgow
Darrell & Margareta Walstad .............Glasgow
Ron Watson .....................................Glasgow
Barbara & Frank White ...........................Saco
Richard & Kari Wiens ........................Glasgow
Beth J. Winter .................................Miles City
House Manager $100 – 199
AJEAN@NEMONT.NET ......................Glasgow
Mary Armstrong ...............................Glasgow
Burley & Rozlynn Bowler .....................Scobey
Nicki J. Brown ..............................Seattle, WA
Ed & Shirley Buechler .......................Glasgow
Alexandra Burke & Jason Boyes ...........Nashua
Flora Coghlan ..............................Seattle, WA
Darryl & Lennie Cole ........................Glasgow
Corinne Daley ....................................Nashua
Norris & Marge Forum ......................Glasgow
Trudy Fox ......................................Wolf Point
Mary & Mitch Hughes ........................Glasgow
Ken & Cheryl Jansa ...........................Glasgow
Ken & Paula Kolar ...............................Geyser
Tom & Cindy Markle .........................Glasgow
Jim & Lois McIntyre ..........................Glasgow
Twylla McPherson ............................Glendive
Glasgow Eye Care ............................Glasgow
Michael & Kim Nathe .......................Redstone
Allison J. Nichols ...................................Glasgow
Marjorie J. Olsen ..............................Whitewater
Stan & Michelle Ozark & Eli Feezell .........Glasgow
Bill & Nancy Ramsey ..........................Great Falls
Sigurd & Joyce Rudie .............................Fairview
Jim & Betty Smrcka .........................Mandan, ND
Dave Steiner ........................................Glendive
Steve & Kae Sukut ................................Glasgow
Ferris & Sharon Toavs ........................Wolf Point
Rocky & Renee Torgerson .....................Glendive
Edith Warmbrod .................................Wolf Point
Mike & Rosemary Weber .......................Fairview
Michael & Betty Williams ..........................Sidney
Friend - $25-99
Carolyn Bachtold ..................................Glasgow
Brother Bede Baldry, FSC .........................Poplar
Roxane Billingsley Barone ........................Billings
Leo & Darla Barthlemess ...........................Malta
Jim & Diane Brandt ...............................Glasgow
Kim & Jay Brooks ..................................Glasgow
Allen & Marlene Bummer .......................Reserve
Robert & Charlotte Claypool ...................Hinsdale
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Conrad ..........................Glendive
Edward & Antonette Eberling ....................Sidney
Dan & Laurie Enebo ..............................Glasgow
Mitchel Etchart ......................................Glasgow
Frank Helland .......................................Glasgow
Merlin & Helen Hunter ...........................Glasgow
Bud & Phyllis Kaul ...................................Scobey
Floyd & Diann Kaul .................................Westby
Jeff & Darla Larson ...............................Glasgow
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Lindsay ......................St. Marie
John W. & Agnes Mogan/
Mogan Saw Sharpening .........................Hinsdale
Jack & Ann Morgenstern .....................Lewistown
Valita Nelson ..........................................Scobey
Karen D. Newton .................................Fort Peck
Mel & Linda Novak ..................................Nashua
Joyce Peters & Family .............................Nashua
Charlie & Janet Plant .............................Glasgow
Jim & Kelly Rowlatt ...................................Havre
Carol J.M. Sandvik ..........................Williston, ND
Arnie & Vicki Stumvoll ...........................Glasgow
Michelle Tade .......................................Glasgow
Teresa & Jerry Tade .............................Glasgow
The Liquor Haven ......................................Malta
Troy Toavs ....................................Williston, ND
Shirley Trang .......................................Glasgow
Gerry & Pam Veis ....................................Havre
Michael & Rosemary Veseth .......................Malta
Dolores L. Wesen .................................Glasgow
Patricia L. Wilkinson ............................Wolf Point
Don & Sharon Wombold .............................Malta